IDA Chapter Status + AAS Meeting

It has been an eventful few weeks here at Dark Sky Duluth -- we are now an official chapter of the International Dark-Sky Association!!!

And, as an added bonus, Eric Norland asked us to present at this month's meeting of the Arrowhead Astronomical Society. They meet at the University of Minnesota Duluth's Planetarium. Randy and Cynthia presented on dark sky issues and benefits, then Anita, Cindy, Randy and Cynthia discussed dark sky goals with the group.

What a great bunch of folks! We had a good time, talked about stars, and even ended the meeting with ice cream. And in the process, we nearly doubled our membership and t-shirt selling drive.

We are excited about the momentum for dark skies, and will be tapping our new members for planning, projects, and FUN!

Cynthia Lapp